The place of crime in human history is indelibly, every civilization and every person has had to come in contact with different types of crime, forms and definitions of it. Man has also devised various methods and techniques to keep life and property save from harm or injury. Crime prevention through environmental design is a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through environmental design. It was first coined by the Criminologist C. Ray Jeffery, the concept has undergone different modulation and adaptions through the years with different models articulated by different scholars. The whole bane of these concept it is that, urban design and building management can be consciously and deliberately constructed to reduce opportunity for crime and increase detection and apprehension of criminals. Defensible space should allow people to see and to be continuously seen and make it more difficult for would-be criminals to get access to their targets. CPTED posits that there is an ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts, and to manipulate the built environment in which those crimes occur. Access control and Target hardening are among the major elements of the CPTED approach.
IT home guard solutions are electronic devices and gadgets that are used for personal surveillance, safety and security measures to protect the household. Identity management and Access control systems are software and hardware used to limit the opportunity for crime and inconvenience the end-user. They are deployed to aid deterrence and detection of intruders and subsequent apprehension. They include:
Biometrics systems
Video door phones
Motion detectors
Metal detectors
Personal security devices
Access cards (with microchips)
Security alarms and sensors
CCTV cameras
Codes and passwords
 Cloud support, App and Instant notification
The whole technical and electrical components of Identity management and Access control systems is about preventing and detecting criminal acts and not just fancy. They installed to provide 24 hours’ surveillance, identification and prevention of crimes, they also used to make it much harder for valuables to be gotten to with ease.
Biometrics: these is the study of the science and application of unique human features to create and maintain identity. Features are fingerprints patterns, eye-iris color and pattern, facial and other physiological features. This technology is built on the knowledge that every human possesses some distinct physiological traits that distinguishes one human from a group of individuals with similar traits. No two person has the same biometric features that’s why they mostly high recommended for access controls, e.g using a biometric fingerprint scan for door security.
Video door phones: these stand-alone intercom systems that are used to make calls at the entrance of a building to the occupants inside. This enables the occupants to identify whoever is at the entrance and decide whether to allow that person in or not. A microphone, screen monitor, speakers, indoor control panel with an electronic lock release are components of a video door phone system.
Motion detectors (Radar-based motion sensors): these are divided in two; Passive Infrared sensors look for changes in the infrared energy level that caused by movement of objects, this triggers the alarm. Active Infrared sensors emit electrical signal that connects to a light detector, when an object moves in the direction of the motion sensors controlled area, the sensor detects a frequency shift in the wave when it returns to the sensor detector, which would indicate that the wave has hit a moving object.
Metal detectors: these are specialized security gadgets used for checking for dangerous weapons with superior ferrous and non-ferrous detection capabilities. They may be handheld or walk-through, mounted at entrance or positions with strategic importance for crowd control.
Personal security devices: these are easy-to-use, low-cost, do-it-yourself at home security gadgets that at come in handy without need for professional training. These include Baton, Panic alarm, Self-defense keychain knuckle, stun-gun, Door stop barrier etc
Access cards: these include proximity cards (contactless smart cards) and Smartchip/magnetic stripe. They used to maintain authorization and control access to sensitive rooms and assets. They may also be used for personal identification and entitlement privileges; they are most times encrypted embedded with integrated circuits.
Security alarms and sensors: these include intrusion detectors, smoke, fire, heat and carbon monoxide detectors. The panel which is the CPU of the system reads senor inputs, tracks arm/disarm status and signals intrusion. The sensors are the triggers that detects or monitors for vibrations, motions, sounds and other indicators. The alerting devices or siren bells notify home owners of perimeter breach.
CCTV camera: these are mounted to maintain surveillance of the perimeter, track and identify movement of persons and property. A CCTV system includes; coaxial cables, digital or analogue DVR, screen monitor and connectors. It could be integrated with other security components to form an integrated security solution.
Codes and passwords: these are secret alphabets, numbers or figure used to gain permission or access to confidential files or safes. They are usually complex, personalized and difficult to guess. They stronger the combination or the harder it is to guess, the better the password. A code is a type of password.
Cloud support, App and Instant notification: modern IT Home solutions provide flexible, ubiquitous and remote control capabilities. Encrypted response generator and instant SMS alert to clients’ mobile phones take surveillance and security to another level, where 24-hour watch and remote monitoring is guaranteed. The interface with these systems are made easy-to-use and accessible to authenticated users of the service.
Smart cities and smart buildings are no longer a myth for a present reality, energy grids, sensors and home appliances are steadily connected to the internet. CPTED is a forerunner when it comes to manipulating the home environment to prevent and deter crime, technological advancement has provided the tools necessary to achieve this goal. When a building is constructed with the intention of maintaining the security, privacy and safety of its owners, or a neighborhood is flooded with street lights and surveillance security gadgets, CPTED is achieved. That’s why is important to note that Identity Management and Access Control systems and appliances are not just for fancy, but also has a huge theoretical underpin.


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